About the Centre
The Department of Political Science has opened a Research Centre namely “Centre for Studies of South & South East-Asian Societies”. The Faculty Members of the Department of Political science have variety of research interests which represent constantly evolving sub-disciplines within the rich and broad scholarship of Political analysis and theory. We strongly believe that creating a platform with specific research interest will help both the institution a platform with specific research interest will help bothy the institution and individual faculty to become a hub in the broader networks of knowledge transaction in the subcontinent and beyond . The Centre will facilitate research in areas related to cultural transformation, infrastructural transition, electoral behaviour, humanitarian intervention, evolving modes of inequality, ethnic and economic tensions. Each sector of research Interest will be developed as a semi-autonomous focus group by the individual features who are formal parts of the centre. The Centre will seek to access networks of knowledge production and funding globally. It will also help project the University Department on the regional and global registers of scholarship by connecting the Departmental infrastructure with international scholarly networks. This connection is projected to be involved in wider pedagogic practices for research training, workshops and focus courses.
Vision and Mission
1 Dr.DebasishNandy Coordinator
2. Dr.Asis Mistry Joint Coordinator
3. Dr.Himadri Chatterjee Joint Coordinator
Board of Advisors
· Dr. Sanjay Bhardwaj (Professor and Director, Centre for South Asian Studies, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, India)
· Dr. Ganga Thapa (Professor. Department of Political Science, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal)
· Dr. Anil Kumar Mahapatra (Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Orisa, India)
· Dr. Mahesh Ranjan Debata (Director, Centre for Inner-Asian Studies, SIS, JNU, New Delhi, India)
· Dr. Li Thai Ha (Senior Lecterer, Department of Economics, RMIT University, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam)
· Dr. Ramakrishnan Dharmar (Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Kamraj University, Madurai, India)
· Dr. Biswanath Chakraborty (Professor, Department of Political Science, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, India)
· Dr. Martin Malek (Faculty Member, Institute for Strategy and Security Policy, National Defence Academy, Vienna, Austria)
Negotiations and Dialogues
The Centre aims to connect with South and South-East-Asian states. In order to understand the diplomatic, political and cultural aspects we have started to talk with a number of academicians and diplomats of these two regions.
3. Organized Events
1. The Centre has already organized an international Conference in association with the mother Department-Political Science on 9th September, 2018. The title of the conference was” Nationalism, Ethnicity, Religion and Security in South Asia”. It was funded by MaulanaAbulKalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies (MAKAIAS), Kolkata. Recourse persons had come from, Austria, Bangladesh, Jawharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Kamraj University, Madurai, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad, Sikkim University, RabindraBharati University, Kolkata, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, Burdwan University. A number of good papers were presented by scholars and academicians of respective fields across the India. The conference proceeding was published in digital form. This copy is available on our university website.
2. One Day International Symposium was organized on “Borders and Migrants in South Asia” on 21st January, 2019. Prof. Pradip Mehbub (Department of Public Administration, Rajsahi University, Bangladesh), Sri Pankaj Dutta (Former I.G. West Bengal Police), Dr. Asoke Kumar Ray (Formerly associated with Delhi Based Think Tanks on Border Studies).
3. “International Seminar on “Security, Migration and Environment: The Asian Perspective” (12th December 2019)
Recourse Persons:
4. International Scholars’ Meet (9th September 2019) [ A 20-member group of students came from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (DURS) in the event for interacting with the research scholars of the department of Political Science, Kazi Nazrul University]
Recourse Persons:
5. One Day National Seminar on Connecting South-East and Middle-East
Resource Persons:
6. Dr. Saber Ahmed Chowdhury (Associate Professor), Department of Peace and Conflict Studies had delivered a special lecture on “Radicalization of Bangladesh: The Peace Dialogues” on 1st April, 2019.
7. Special lecture organized by the Centre in November, 2018, January and February, 2019 by Prof. PradipMehbub , Department of Public Administration, Rajsahi University, Bangladesh
8. National Level seminar on “Connecting South-East and West Asia” (July, 2019).
9. International Webinar on “Media, Politics and State in Present Global Order” (14th June 2020).
Recourse Persons:
10. International Webinar on Global Order during COVID-19 and After
Resource persons:
11. Online Special Lecture Series by the International Speakers
(i) Speakers: Dr. Rajendra Baikadi, PhD, PDF (China), Golda Meir Post-Doctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. (7th June, 2020)
Topic: The Potentialities and Challenges of Social Work in South Asian Societies
(II) Speaker: Dr. Gulabmir Rahmani, Department of Sociology, Baglan University, Afghanistan (8th June, 2020)
Topic: Topic: Democracy, Civil Society and Human Rights in Afghanistan
(III) Speaker: Dr. Md. Shafi Mostofa, Associate Professor, Department of World Religious and Culture, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (10th June 2020).
Topic: From the End of Cold War to COVID-19 (COVID-19 and Clash of Narratives)
4. Collaborative Programmes
5. Lectures on YouTube Channel
A number of lectures on various themes related to our Centre have been uploaded on our Departmental You Tube Channel.
6. Upcoming Events
Book Publication by the Centre
Debasish Nandy (Ed.) Connecting Asia: Understanding Foreign Relations, Organizations and Contemporary Issues, Kunal Books, New Delhi, ISBN: 9789389224948.
The Centre has already published the first issue of its international journal in September, 2018. It is an international peer reviewed quarterly journal. The name of this journal is: “International Journal of South and South East-Asian Societies”. It is also available on our university website. There are a number of noted academicians in the editorial board of this Journal. The Editorial Board of this journal is as follows----
Other Editorial Board Members
Non-Residential Visiting Fellows of the Centre
Department of Social Work,
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology,
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
(December 2023-January 2024)
Institute for Culture and Society
Western Sydney University
Sydney, NSW, Australia
(June 2023- September 2023)