Brief History of the Department

The development of biological sciences leads to the upgradation of general life-style of animal and mankind. Technological intervention (based on physics, chemistry and mathematics) on the biological sciences is growing rapidly. This is the need of the time to focus on the holistic approach of life sciences, especially to animal studies for the sustainability of animal as well as human. The environmental factors and physiological response should be monitored very closely for an overall understanding of the subject and society. Since the inception in the year 2016, the mission of the department is to provide an in-depth exposure to the students in the emerging field of animal science with an overview of life sciences and subsequently prepare them to be leaders in the field of research and development in academia and industry with a vision of societal sustainability.

Vision of the Department

Be recognized as a centre of excellence that teaches the biotechnological intervention on animal studies with a holistic approach of Life Sciences. The scientific approach may take the leadership for the sustainability of both animal and mankind. The synchronization of body physiology and environmental stimuli will be focused to understand the individual and societal interaction.

Mission of the Department

To translate the vision into reality, the Department is committed to

  • Emerge as a centre of excellence in animal science by providing training at both undergraduate and post-graduate level.
  • Create an interdisciplinary approach in teaching.
  • Establish state-of-the-art facility for cutting edge research.
  • Develop the minds of students with logical questions and power to analyse them for becoming skilled human resource.
  • Organize meaningful seminars, workshop for scientific and social awareness.

Programme/ Course Offered

Name of the Course Duration Year from which the Course Started Total Intake Capacity No. of Students Enrolled
Integrated M.Sc. 5 yrs 2016 40 5
Integrated M.Sc. 5 yrs 2017 40 9
Integrated M.Sc. 5 yrs 2018 40 5
Integrated M.Sc. 5 yrs 2019 40 3
Integrated M.Sc. 5 yrs 2020 40 6
M.Sc. 2 yrs 2018 40 3
M.Sc. 2 yrs 2019 40 13
M.Sc. 2 yrs 2020 40 5