Central Library


Central Library of Kazi Nazrul University was established in the year 2013. It is located at a convenient place at the ground floor of the Vidya Charcha Bhaban. It is a very well stocked library with the state of the art amenities. The Books are classified according to Dewey decimal classification. All the books are barcoded. The stack areas are well organized and quite spacious. Presently, the library follows closed access system.

The Library is Automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) TCS-ION Digital Campus. This automation offers many opportunities to improve service to library users (staff, students and faculty members). It helps library staff to serve the users better by facilitating a multitude of tasks. KOHA, integrated library automation software has been introduced.

It acts as the learning resource center and occupies a unique place in academic and research activities of the University. It provides current, accurate and authoritative information from print and electronic resources using the state-of- the-art technology.

KNU has signed MOU with Inflibnet and Member of E-Shodh Sindhu, Shodh Ganga and Shodh Gangotri.


Kazi Nazrul University Central Library provides:

  • Leadership for the selection, organization, access, and preservation of sources of knowledge in all formats
  • Exemplary information services designed to fulfill the needs of a great public research university
  • Inspirational environments for collaborative and individual discovery, study, and learning


The Library is an essential partner in the creative exploration, intellectual growth, and scholarly pursuits of the University.

To that end, the Library will:

  • Invest in user experiences that inspire the creation, discovery, and sharing of knowledge:
    • Services
    • Physical Spaces
    • Virtual Spaces
  • Provide expertise, services, and tools that prominently position the Library throughout the life cycle of research, teaching, and learning.
  • Integrate innovative approaches to how the Libraries develop, disseminate, and preserve collection and information resources.

The Team

Dr. Biswajit Saha
University Librarian, Member Secretary/ Convenor
Contact: 9231675070(M) ; E-Mail: librarian@knu.ac.in

Library Staff

Name Designation Contact(M) E-mail
Mr. Debasish Bandyapadhyay Group-C Staff 8967901523library.office1@knu.ac.in
Mrs. Nitu Ram Library Attendant 8388959947 library.office4@knu.ac.in
Mrs. Krishna Roy Junior Attendant 6294563105 library.office5@knu.ac.in
Mrs. Usha Dey Library Attendant 9932500354 library.office3@knu.ac.in
Mr. Somnath Roy Jr. Lab. Attendant 8101223464 library.office2@knu.ac.in
Mr. Kousik Samanta Library Assistant 9832800560 library.office6@knu.ac.in
Mr. Supriya Kazi Group-D staff

Our Collections

Our Collection: (For more details please follow Library website or contact Librarian)

    • Print resources: Books, Journals, Newspapers, Magazines, Reference books, Theses etc.
    • E-Resources: e-Books, e-Journals, Online Databases, e-Magazines, e-Newspapers, e-Reference books, e-Learning, e-Theses, CDs, DVDs, USB Flash Drives.
Books: KNU Library has more than 22,000 print books. The Books are classified according to Dewey decimal classification. The collection of books includes documents covering a wide range of subjects from English literature, Bengali literature, pure sciences, arts, history and social sciences, languages etc.
Apart from the printed books the library is having access to e-Books such as Oxford Scholarship Online and subscription to more e-Books is under process. The library also has access to several thousand open-source e-Books.

Journals: The Library has subscription to some print journals and has access to several hundred e-journals including University’s own subscription as well as several thousand open-source online journals. The library subscribes to some popular magazines and daily newspapers. The newspapers and magazines are displayed in the Reading Hall on the ground floor. E-magazines and E-newspapers are accessible through library webpage.

  • 27 Print plus Online Journals from Sage Publications, 15 Print Journals (including law), 10 Print Magazines, 09 Daily Newspapers (Print).
  • 111 Sage Indian E-journals (on trial)
  • 262 e-Journals: OUP ESS journal package.
  • Also have access to 1700+ Springer e-Journals (on trial).
  • Case laws in USB Flash Drives, CDs, DVDs.
  • Library also has access to several thousand Open-Source e-journals, e-Databases, Digital Repositories from renowned publishers such as Sage, Oxford, Springer Nature, Wiley, Elsevier etc. which have been integrated with the Library Website.

Online Databases:

  • JSTOR: Provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
  • Project Muse: Provides access over 700 scholarly journals from 125 publishers.
  • Indiastat.com: Most comprehensive e-resource of socio-economic statistical information/data of India, district wise.
  • Psyc-Articles: Core collection in the social and behavioural sciences providing access to 119 journals
  • Westlaw India: Online legal information resource combining both Indian and International law.
  • Capitaline AWS:  Provides highest quality market data and financial information on securities, derivatives and commodities traded on Indian stock markets.
  • World Steel Association Database: Global steel statistics per country, including the main top steel-producing countries, China, Japan, India, and USA.

Newspapers and Magazines: Some national dailies and popular Indian magazines are displayed inside the Library Reading room. These will be read within the library only.


Title Author Publisher Brief Description
Kazi Nazrul Islam: Kabitar Janmo Pathker Anwesha Susmita Chakraborty Nazrul Centre For Social and Cultural Studies, KNU Selected poems of Kazi Nazrul Islam with annotation.

Title Author Publisher Brief Description
Encyclopaedia of Modern UGC Curriculum 13th Plan (13 Vol. Set). Vinod Dabral Oxford Book Company Encyclopaedia of Modern UGC: Curriculum 13th Plan: Guidelines for Colleges and Universities


  • Desh Patrika
  • Frontline
  • India Today
  • Kurukshetra
  • Outlook
  • Science Reporter
  • Sportstar
  • Yojana
  • Civil Services Chronicle
  • Protiyogita Kiran


  • Ananda Bazar Patrika
  • Ei Samay
  • JanSatta
  • Prabhat Khabar
  • The Economic Times
  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express
  • The Telegraph
  • Karmakshetra
  • Employment News
  • Appointment & Career News

Service / Facilities

OPAC: Through OPAC (ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGUE) the users can search the collection of books by title, author, publisher, subject, keywords etc.

QR Code based OPAC Access: QR Code for Library OPAC is available inside and outside of the campus. This QR code is also available in the library webpage. Students and Teachers can access Library OPAC with their Cell Phone just by scanning the code.




Computing & E-resource browsing facility:  The   Library    has some    dedicated    computers    for    the    users for computing and browsing the e-resource and OPAC.

WI-FI: The entire Library is Wi-fi enabled with high-speed internet connections which allow the users to   access   the   internet   facility

Reading and Group Study: The reading room is well furnished to accommodate 70 students at a time and provides a favourable environment for study. Faculty and Students' attendance register is maintained to count daily footfall in the library. Separate areas are earmarked for teachers and scholars for group study.

Lending: It is one of the key services provide by the Library through Circulation section, one of the important departments of the Central Library. This service includes issue, return/renewal of books and other documents. Issue, return and renewal are being done through ILMS.

CCTV: Closed Circuit TV cameras are installed in the library for strict surveillance.

Remote access: All the users of KNU have access to library resources both onsite and offsite. Users   can access e-resources outside the campus anytime and from anywhere of the World through Remote access facilities. At a time, multiple users can access the same resources. Library users can access to library resources through computer & Mobile app.
Remote login link

KNU IRINS website: This website showcases the research impact of KNU faculties. It’s an initiative of the Central Library, KNU.

SDI Service: The library also provides Selective Dissemination service based on the exact information need of the user.

Support for Visually impaired users: Central Library has the NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Application) software for the visually impaired users.

Club Membership of National Digital Library of India.

The Central Library also offers the following services:

  • Photocopy and scanning facilities.
  • Intimation on new books/resources added to the collection through the library website.
  • Online reservation and renewal of books.
  • Plagiarism Detection.
  • Regular Mail alert for Webinar/Training/Workshop

Timing and Access

Library Rules

1. Rules for issue-return process are as follows:

  • a) Duration of issuing books : 21 days.
  • b)Overdue fine after 21 days will be charged @ Rs.2/- per day/ per book.
  • c) Temporary Blockage : After completion of 30 days.
  • d) In case of loss of Book : Book replacement + Late Fine from the date of issue of books.
    N.B. : In case of loss of book, if the user returns the book within 21 days, only book price and after 21 days, (book price + fine of days beyond 21 days) should be deposited as fine.
  • e) Library facility to be given to all enrolled students on campus.

2. No of Books that can be issued at a time:

  • a) Teachers : 6
  • b) PHD scholar/M.Phil./Diploma/Officer : 4
  • c) U.G/P.G/Non-Teaching staff : 2

3. The SMS alert system:

  • a) First alert on the day of book issuance.
  • b) Second alert would be on the day before expiry.
  • c) Third alert would be the submission report on the day the user returns book. In case of fine it will be mentioned in alert SMS.
  • d) The final SMS notification would be about user’s temporary blockage of his/her library account (only to those users who did not return the book within 30 days).


  • Please request Library staff to bring your book. Don’t go inside the stack to search book.
  • Please return/renew book/s in time to avoid fines.
  • Please stand on a queue to issue, return or renew your book or to collect fine advice slip.
  • Please deposit your bag/s, umbrella etc. on the rack outside the library door.


  • Do not damage any library materials.
  • Do not talk loudly inside the library.
  • Do not leave plastic cups, bottles in any place of the library.
  • Do not bring any food or drinks (hot/cold) inside the library.

Service Unit

Circulation Section : It is one of the key departments of Central Library. Circulation desk is the main service point of the library. It provides lending services and facilitates for return/renew of loaned items. Issue, return and renewal are being done through TCS-ION LMS.

Reading Room : The reading room is well furnished to accommodate students at a time and provides favorable environment for study. Faculty and Students attendance register is maintained to count daily footfall in the library.


A large collection of databases, e-books and electronic journals make up our collection of electronic resources. Most of these collection is accessible on the Internet, from anywhere within or outside the campus.


Many books in our collection are accompanied by learning materials in CD/DVD format. Those accompanying materials are kept separately. The book catalog will indicate whether a book has an accompanying material. To borrow those materials, please contact Circulation desk.

Departmental Library

List of the Departments:

  • Animal Science
  • Applied Psychology
  • Bengali
  • Chemistry
  • Commerce
  • Computer Science
  • Education
  • English
  • Geography
  • Hindi
  • History
  • Law
  • Mathematics
  • MBA
  • School of Mines and Metallurgy
    • Mining Engineering
    • Metallurgical Engineering
    • computer Science
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Urdu
  • Sanskrit
  • Allied Health Science and Technology
    • Medical Laboratory Technology
    • Medical Radiology and Imaging Technology
    • Optometry
    • Physiotherapy

Future Plans

  • Separate Building for Central Library.
  • Creation of Digital Repository with DSpace.
  • Expansion of Library working days and duty hours after pandemic.
  • Implementation of Discovery Service to facilitate single window search facility.
  • Implementation of RFID System for easy Circulation, Self-check in Check out, theft control, save staff cost and time, easy stock taking, find out misplaced books etc.
  • Development of Departmental (seminar) Libraries.
  • Inter Library Loan and Collaboration with other University and Research Centre Libraries.
  • Recruitment of Library professional staff.
  • Separate Section for Acquisition, Technical Processing (Cataloguing, Classifying), Serial Control etc.
  • Orientation programme for all concerned more frequently.
  • Organization of physical and virtual Seminar, Workshop, Book Exhibition, Product Presentation, Book Talk etc. with regular intervals.